Customer surveys can help contact centre managers guide, develop and improve the performance of the teams they manage. Feedback from customer surveys allows you to know what your teams are getting right — and wrong — in the eyes of your customers. In short, customer surveys help ayou to keep your customers at the heart of everything you do.
Customer insight can also help you improve the performance and motivation of your contact centre teams. Most calls are already recorded and managers track call times and accuracy. Such feedback is useful for quality assurance, training and performance improvement.
However, hearing what customers have to say, in their own words, can have a powerful effect on customer service agents. This feedback gives agents solid evidence of how the way they deal with calls can have an impact – good and bad – on their customers’ experience. It motivates agents to continue doing those things that have a positive impact and work to improve aspects that have a negative impact on customer service.
Company culture is an essential factor here; managers must use the feedback to support and develop their teams rather than to criticise or punish. At Happ, we help companies collect and understand insight derived from customer surveys of the contact centre experience. We also advise contact centre managers on how to use this information to compare the performance of different teams and individual agents.
In our experience, the best managers use this knowledge to motivate and develop their teams. This report highlights some of the key ways they do that. But first, let’s take a brief look at the strengths and challenges of the three main types of surveys used to track contact centre customer experience.